

國際名家論壇 -10月6日於台北舉行
The MediaTek International Lecture Series

統一了,然後呢? ──從柏林圍牆到迪斯奈社會主義
German Unification: Popular Culture, Maoist Students, and the Socialist Disneyland

1976年,在嚴峻的冷戰陰影中,德語世界最有名的東德歌手碧爾曼,在西德的科隆舉辦了一場萬人空巷的演唱會。演唱會中,碧爾曼公開表態支持「兩德統一」,震驚兩德。碧爾曼第二天就成為流亡人士,但是大學校園的左翼文化裡 一個嶄新的主題被打開了。一場演唱會,在兩德統一史上有重大意義。

在德國統一17 週年的此刻,瓦格納將以大眾文化出發,深度剖析德國統一的歷史進程中,左右及統獨意識形態的錯綜。

In 1976, Wolf Biermann, the most famous song-writer and singer of the German-speaking world, gave a concert in Cologne. In the concert, Biermann expressed his support for German unification. The event was crucial in establishing the theme among the articulate left in the universities.

On the 17th anniversary of the German unification, Professor Wagner will probe the complex issue of unification across the left versus the right divide while drawing references from debates and events in the popular culture.

講者 魯道夫.瓦格納 / 德國海德堡大學漢學系主任
慕尼黑大學漢學博士。研究範圍包括佛學、道家哲學,以及當代中國政治及媒體。曾任教於柏林自由大學,哈佛大學等。於1992 年獲頒萊布尼茲學術獎,該獎是德國人文學科最具權威獎項。於1996至1998 年間擔任歐洲漢學家協會主席,現任德國海德堡大學漢學系主任,被譽為歐洲最重要的漢學家之一。

Speaker Rudolf Wagner / Director, Centre of East Asian Studies, University of Heidelberg

With a Ph.D. from the University of Munich, Professor Wagner has done extensive researches on Buddhism, Taoist philosophy and contemporary Chinese politics and the media. He taught at various universities such as the Free University of Berlin and Harvard University. In 1992, Wagner was awarded the Leibniz prize, which is of the highest prestige in the humanities in Europe. Between 1996 and 1998, he served as the president of the European Association of Chinese Studies. Professor Wagner is one of the most respected sinologists in Europe.

主持 龍應台 / 作家Moderator Lung Yingtai / Writer
時間:2007 年10月 6日(六)下午2 :00~ 5 :00
地點:中山堂光復廳(台北市延平南路 98號)

Date & Time: Saturday, 6 Octorber 2007 2:00pm- 5:00pm
Venue: Zhongshan Hall ( No .98 Yenping S. Rd .Taipei)
Discussion in English with simultaneous Interpretation
敬請自備證件於現場換取口譯耳機,費用 200 元。憑學生證,優待費用100元。
Earphones can be rented at the venue (General: $200NT, with Student ID: $100NT)

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Tel 02-33224907 Fax 02-33224918 www.civictaipei.org