


今天早上回老二學校辦活動 回流七年多了
一直在孩子的小學做義工 辦家校活動 更多是家長教育
長子今年十四歲 但2000年暑回流前並沒有多少媽媽朋友
在加拿大 即使身邊有當媽媽的 也沒有很女人的話題

讀你的分享 感慨良多
八十年代末的海南熱 是當代青年人的理想 是天堂

活動後和理事們午飯 大家談孩子 談教育
談自我成長 談生命中難以承受的輕

T:兒子早產 出生兩磅 腸不會蠕動
手術室醫院才是家 還有沒法照顧的長女
和生意失敗的先生 九年來進出醫院無數次
爸爸至今沒有陪過兒子到醫院一次 因為沒法面對

L:小二的兒子自閉症 手腳協調障礙 讀寫障礙
媽媽很Depress 整天看的都是孩子成長的書

你的文字讓我回到我們的八十年代 抱負 理想 張狂
是的 我也有過抱負 如今那火種還沒有熄滅
但 今天 我還可以這樣想嗎?
都說被愛的人最幸福 向東。。你好幸福啊
所以 可以的話 低落時就往這方向想吧

但家人不在身邊 而歲月是飛逝的

這幾天在看一本叫快樂學的書 達賴喇嘛徒弟
一個傑出的法國科學家Matthieu Ricard 用了多年完成

Happiness: A Guide to Developing Life's Most Important Skill
by Matthieu Ricard

molecular biologist turned Buddhist monk demonstrates how to develop the inner conditions for true happiness.

Never has happiness as an emotional and physical state of being been so widely discussed. Matthieu Ricard is one of the most compelling voices on the subject, and one of the few who can bring together the teachings of eastern and western thought. In this accessible new work, Ricard provides a straightforward assessment of how to create true and lasting happiness. He addresses the pursuit of a meaningful life at its most fundamental level – the strengthening of the inner conditions that lead to genuine happiness. Ricard helps readers form new patterns of interaction with themselves and with the larger world, working toward happiness step by step, starting with 20 minutes of daily mind training and meditation.

• Ricard has been featured in Time, Self, O Magazine, The New Yorker, The Wall Street Journal, the Washington Post, and the New York Times Magazine.

• Ricard has served as interpreter for the Dalai Lama and also works with many influential thinkers within the scientific community, including Brian Greene and Daniel Goleman.

• With his father, Jean Francois Revel, Ricard co-authored the French bestseller The Monk and the Philosopher, which was translated into 21 languages. He also co-authored the 2001 book The Quantum and the Lotus with astrophysicist Trinh Xuan Thuan.

Acclaim for Happiness:

"Written with grace and clarity, Ricard offers exciting ideas and practical tools for increasing our understanding of ourselves and our relationship to the world."
—Paul Ekman, Ph.D., author of Emotions Revealed

"In this highly readable and enlightening volume, Matthieu Ricard offers us the keys to opening up the chambers of the mind where serenity resides. His elegant descriptions show us how the preoccupation with the self leads to the detrimental urges, thoughts, and feelings that present barriers to genuine liberation. This superb volume demonstrates how we can experience contentment even in the face of unpleasant circumstances"
–Aaron Beck, Ph.D., author of Cognitive Therapy and the Emotional Disorders

Matthieu Ricard is a Buddhist monk who completed a Ph.D. in cellular genetics with the Nobel laureate Francois Jacob before leaving France to study Buddhism in the Himalaya 35 years ago. He lives and works on humanitarian projects in Nepal.

就在人人羡慕的當下 去了喜瑪拉雅山下修道
做藏文繙繹 為體貼身體做的最少 為靈魂做得最多

人生有很多取捨 很多抉擇 很多都是不能回頭的
今天 也有很多抉擇 一個緊接一個
也有一些偶然 快樂的 失落的

談到老 談到死
我不怕老 但怕拖累人

做好自己 為了珍惜每一天
近年 愈多人年紀輕輕就走了

不是悲觀 只是想若今天是最後一天